Pre-foreclosure leads are updated daily and are the perfect source for real estate agents and investors looking to generate more business. Our short sale leads are borrowers who are currently up to 90 days late on their mortgage and have little or no equity. It’s the perfect time for you to reach them before they receive a notice of default. Available nationwide and you can pick the states, counties, cities, or zip codes that you want to target.
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Friday, August 21, 2009
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Friday, January 9, 2009
Mixergy Entrepenuer Meeting in OC
I just got back from the Mixergy Lunch 2.0 in Orange County. The event was hosted at EarthBound Media Group and let me add that they have a really nice office and everyone that worked there was cool.
If you're into networking and want to mingle with different industries I highly reccomend attending one of their events. I got to meet alot of nice people and everyone there was really interesting to talk to. The icing on the cake is that it is all free and they even give you lunch.
Thanks for the event guys!
Oh yeah one more thing.. I want to give a shout out to Tina's Daycare. I think one of their reps was there. I would have given a link but couldn't locate a site on the web. Shame on you. You know who you are. Hmmm... Looks like we could help someone out. Anyway... I took a pic for now until that day comes. Classic...
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